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You want to Speak Spanish. And Fast! We get it. That's why we developed… a

The Most Effective Starter Spanish Program Ever Created!


How could we be absolutely sure you will speak Spanish fast?

Simple. Unlike most language programs out there, Jump Start Your Spanish was developed with two criteria in mind.

The program had to be 100%…

Fast ~ Every student had to be able to use the contents of each lesson straight away.
Practical ~ The program had to use 100% conversational Spanish as found in the real world.


JUMP-START YOUR SPANISH passed that test with flying colors to such an extent that it was originally used as a super intensive weekend workshop to train reduced groups of businesspeople who needed to travel abroad and speak Spanish in a matter of days. Yes, that's right! These were people who had less than two weeks to Speak Spanish or fail miserably abroad! Each of these businesspeople were NOT interested in fun and giggles but on results. And that is our game:

Where results matter, JUMP-START YOUR SPANISH shines.


JumpStart Your Spanish Full Program







The Best Way to Speak Spanish Fast


How to learn spanish online here

This program has been designed for beginning Spanish Learners that either have never studied Spanish before, or for those that even though they studied Spanish, they cannot express their ideas. Whereas students in traditional language programs need over a year to be able to say a few phrases spontaneously, on average, our students can speak Spanish confidently in as little as one to two months of hard work, but of course, individual results may vary. 
And this is not just repeating memorized phrases like Hola, Buenos días, Buenas noches.
I am talking about expressing your own ideas easily on the spur of the moment.
JUMP-START YOUR SPANISH comes with an optional but highly recommended Listening Comprehension program called THE SPANISH AUDIO BLASTER, the ideal companion to consolidate your structures, add tons of vocabulary to your repertoire and above all develop your listening comprehension of native Spanish speakers dramatically. 
JumpStart Your Spanish Full Program
Understand Real Spoken Spanish


The Spanish Audio Blaster is a unique program with a radical laser-focus on developing your listening comprehension of Real Spoken Spanish. All this, in the shortest amount of time possible.

Unlike most language programs that neglect, simplify or present listening comprehension as an afterthought, we strongly believe that listening comprehension is the most important skill in conversational Spanish. The purpose of this program is not to create some simplified or slow and easy Spanish for the classroom.  Our goal is to train you to understand the brutally fast spoken Spanish that you will find in the real world. And we excel at that!

Learn spanish online here

And now, without further ado, I would like to offer you….


Two Options to Speak Spanish Fast

JumpStart Your Spanish Limited Time Offer!

Right now and for a limited number of copies… 
we are offering our two programs at half off their regular price. 
Yes, 50% OFF!!! Don't let this opportunity pass you by! ORDER NOW!




And if you want to unleash the full power of Jump-Start Your Spanish….


And if you have any questions before you commit to The Most Effective Starter Spanish Program Ever Created, just send us a message and we'll get back to you very soon!